The IAET calculates impact factor not on a "per article" metric, but instead gives an indication of the overall
contribution of the journal - as a whole - to the literature. It does this using an algorithm similar to that of Google's
"page rank" to count citations into and out of the journal and to weight them according to the ranking of the source or
destination. It is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a particular journal is referred to. |
where N is the total number of pages on the web, pi is the page that links to p, d is damping factor, and C(pi) is the
number of outlinks of pi. PageRank of a page is conceived as the probability of a web surfer visiting the page after
clicking on many links. The probability of a surfer which keeps clicking on links is thus given by the damping factor
d. Since the surfer jumps to another page randomly after it stops clicking links, the probability therefore is
implemented as the complementary part (1- d) into the algorithm. |
The mean Article Influence Score is 1.00. A score greater than 1.00 indicates that each article in the journal has
above-average influence. A score less than 1.00 indicates that each article in the journal has below-average
influence. |